This year, our Pink Talks will take place in Salle Pigalle in the Cinema Stüssihof. The walls are decorated with the fantastic mosaic that for years was the part oft he interior oft he legendary Pigalle Bar in the Niederdorf.
For eight days the Salle Pigalle will be our meeting place – the Stüssihof Bar will take care of food and drinks. There will be an exhibition, and the daily talks, panels and a reading will be further highlights during the festival in Zurich.
For eight days the Salle Pigalle will be our meeting place – the Stüssihof Bar will take care of food and drinks. There will be an exhibition, and the daily talks, panels and a reading will be further highlights during the festival in Zurich.
Events in this context:
Pink Talk
Free entry!What is an art sex film? And where are these films shown? Is a porn film festival art, too? And who attends such a festival? Are makers of these sex films and porn film festival programmers taken seriously? Host Michi Rüegg will discuss these and other questions with director Antonio da Silva and Paula Alamillo (Pornfilmfestival Berlin).
With Antonio Da Silva und Paula Alamillo. Moderation: Michi Rüegg
Zürich, Salle Pigalle
Do, 30. April 2015, 19 Uhr