This year Pink Apple will grant the Pink Apple Festival Award for the first time in history. This cash prize of 3000 Swiss Francs will also be awarded to a filmmaker for his or her complete oeuvre in coming years. This year’s prize goes to Lionel Baier from the French speaking region of Switzerland.
The short film contest is a few years older (2001). The Pink Apple Short Film Award is a prize of 2000 Swiss Francs and is awarded by a jury of film professionals.
The festival audience awards the best documentary and the best feature with the Pink Apple Audience Award (in Zurich).
The short film contest is a few years older (2001). The Pink Apple Short Film Award is a prize of 2000 Swiss Francs and is awarded by a jury of film professionals.
The festival audience awards the best documentary and the best feature with the Pink Apple Audience Award (in Zurich).
Events in this context:
Pink Talk
Free entry!The film makers of the short films in the contest will be interviewed. At 9pm the films in the contest will be screened at Arthouse Movie. Naming of the prize winner at the end.
Zürich, Salle Pigalle
Di, 5. Mai 2015, 19 Uhr
Events in this context: